thermal-dynamics-merlin-1000 THERMAL DYNAMICS® Maximizer 300 Merlin 1000

  Maximizer300-Merlin1000.pdf (511.3 KiB, 622 hits)

19-64576964  70° Torch head
N/S9-64596966  90° Torch head
28-053827  O-Ring
39-67677634  Adaptor
49-67695798  Mounting tube
59-64106962  180° Torch head
68-21587630  Adaptor
77-32077620  Positioning tube
820-10163865  Electrode O2
20-10183891  Electrode Air
20-10233871  Electrode N2
20-10253899  Electrode Ar/H2
920-00087570  Gas distributor 50-225A
1020-10301924  Tip 50A O2/N2/Air
20-10311926  Tip 100A O2/N2/Air
20-10341992  Tip 300A
1120-10025902  Shield cup body
20-10295906  Shield cup body, underwater
1220-10035966  End cup 50A
20-10045968  End cup 100A
20-10285978  End cup, underwater
820-10503897  Electrode cutting O2
920-00087570  Gas distributor, cutting
1020-10511994  Tip cutting 50A
1120-10025902  Shield cup body
1220-10525914  Shield cup end cup, 50A

PLASMA-POINT s.r.l. is in no way affiliated with AUTOGEN RITTER. The parts advertised for sale are not genuine AUTOGEN RITTER parts, but are parts made for and by PLASMA-POINT s.r.l. Reference to ATOGEN RITTER machine, torches and numbers are for your convenience only. We reserve the right to substitute genuine AUTOGEN RITTER parts in place of PLASMA – POINT s.r.l. parts.