thermal-dynamics-pch-20 THERMAL DYNAMICS® PCH-20 Dynapak 110, Pak 2XT

  PCH-20.pdf (391.9 KiB, 551 hits)

18-32206948  70° Torch head
28-053335  O-Ring
39-60063164  Electrode (swagreened)
9-60063164/D  Electrode
48-32337076  Gas distributor  (Until sold out)
58-32181320  Tip  (Until sold out)
68-32145601  Shield cup std.

PLASMA-POINT s.r.l. is in no way affiliated with AUTOGEN RITTER. The parts advertised for sale are not genuine AUTOGEN RITTER parts, but are parts made for and by PLASMA-POINT s.r.l. Reference to ATOGEN RITTER machine, torches and numbers are for your convenience only. We reserve the right to substitute genuine AUTOGEN RITTER parts in place of PLASMA – POINT s.r.l. parts.