otc-d8000 OTC® D 8000

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Poz.Numer ref.KodOpis
1H839M003090/OR  Elektroda, long life – Hf. z OR (niklowana)
2H767F011147  Dysza  (Do wyczerpania zapasów)
3H767J005580  Osłona dyszy
OTC® D 8000

PLASMA-POINT s.r.l. is in no way affiliated with AUTOGEN RITTER. The parts advertised for sale are not genuine AUTOGEN RITTER parts, but are parts made for and by PLASMA-POINT s.r.l. Reference to ATOGEN RITTER machine, torches and numbers are for your convenience only. We reserve the right to substitute genuine AUTOGEN RITTER parts in place of PLASMA – POINT s.r.l. parts.